Thursday, January 21, 2010

American Gangster: Main Character

Who's the main character? Lucas or Ritchie?
- Both Lucas and Ritchie appear often on screen.
- Both Lucas and Ritchie make important decisions that drive the plot. Lucas decides to goto Thailand and buy direct, to involve his family, to go for the big score (2000 kg) before the curtain falls which sets up act three. Ritchie decides to turn down the million in cash and to make Lucas the target of his investigation.

IMO, it's Frank Lucas's story:
- the film is called "American Gangster," not "American Narco Cop."
- the film begins and ends with Frank.
- Ritchie (and Trupo) exist to get Frank. Frank could care less about Ritchie and Trupo, other than as obstacles to his business.

Bottom Line: It doesn't matter. This is a good script. A metric of a good script is if you can get wannabee writers analyzing it, asking questions like, "Who's the main character?"

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