Sunday, June 7, 2009

A new recommended read

I've added a new recommended read. It's "500 Ways to Beat the Hollywood Script Reader" by Jennifer Lerch. It reads like it sounds. It has 500 short, concise tips to get your script "recommended" or at least "considered" by the H'wood reader. Not all of them are script shattering but many of them are useful.

For example, Tip #164 is, "Provide an origin for the character's desire to change." You writers out there, does you protagonist have a reason to change, like Kevin Spacey in "LA Confidential," who changes because of the kid's death or Rick in "Casablanca" who changes because of his love for Ilse or Melvin Udall in "As Good as it Gets" who changes because he has the hots for Carol?

Or Tip #121 which defines "high concept" as having catchy idea, broad appeal and being easy to explain.

It's a good book, well worth reading.

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