Sunday, May 31, 2009

I love you just the way you are

The Shawshank Redemption. What kind of plot is this? What plot pattern? The most famous plot pattern is Joseph Campbell's, "The Hero's Journey." But tSR isn't that. In "Plot & Structure," James Scott Bell identifies several plot patterns and one of them fits tSR. It's called "One Against" and has the following qualities:
- The lead embodies the moral code of the community.
- There is a threat to the community from the opposition.
- The lead wins by inspiring the rest of the community.
- The leads inspiration may come through self-sacrifice.

Examples of this are:
- One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
- High Noon.
- 12 Angry Men.
- Gandhi

And, tSR. Something else about this plot pattern: the hero doesn't change. Andy Dufresne is really the same character at the end as at the beginning. No character arc. Red certainly has arc, revealed in the recurring motif of the parole hearings, but not Andy. Usually your characters should have arc but with a one-against lead, they're perfect just the way they are.

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